Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

George Everhard Rumpf, (Rumphius) Monument

George Everhard Rumpf, (Rumphius), is well known for his pioneering research of Ambonese flora and fauna. Rumphius lived most of his life in Ambon, from 1660 to 1670. He was a Germany who served in the Dutch army. He conducted his research in Hila village and lived next to Fort Amsterdam. One of his greatest works is titled Het Ambonsch Kruidboek (The biological Vegetation). The book describes scientifically in detail the vegetation in Maluku. Besides fauna and flora, Rumphius also wrote about the history of Maluku. In 1702  Rumphius passed away at his house located at the street, J now known as Jalan Pattimura. His memorial is built in SMU Xaverius complex in Ambon at Jalan Pattimura.
Martha Christina Tiahahu Monument (Historical heritage)

The independence patriot Martha Christina Tiahahu is an acknowledged as a national heroine in Indonesia. Martha Christina Tiahahu fought side by side with her father t|| repel Dutch colonialism in the archipelago. When the Dutch caught and executed her father on the tiny island of Nusalaut, south -east of Saparua, she was taken to Java by ship to work in a tea & coffee plantations. On the ship she refused any food, and mourning over her father's execution. She passed away on the 2nd of Jan. 1818, at the age of just 18. Her body was buried at sea to give her final rest.
To reach her memorial, take a minibus to Karangpanjang. From above of this memorial one has a beautiful panorama of the city, the Blue Amboina Bay, and the rugged hills of the Leihitu Peninsula.

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